In the late 1970s, the renowned designer Dieter Rams developed his iconic “10 Principles of Good Design”, an ideology for thoughtful, responsible and intelligent product design. He etched in stone a new paradigm that influences the form and function of products we use today, from electronics to furniture. His theory not only relates to personal items found in the home but can also be applied to creating better hospital and healthcare environments.
Good design and high-quality materials used in the healthcare environment can have a positive impact that improves the entire patient care experience, from treatment and delivery of care to recovery. Furthermore, the products and materials used by healthcare staff can serve practical, functional purposes while creating a safe, secure and comfortable space, leading to better outcomes.
A simple mission
Our rich history and experience date back to 1989 when one of our family members, working as a nurse in Sweden, saw the disadvantages of using hospital curtains for patient privacy. It was apparent even then that curtains are a habitat for pathogens and can be a source of Hospital Associated Infections (HAIs) among patients.
Focused on finding a more reliable and hygienic solution to cloth privacy curtains, we designed and built the Silentia Screen System in 1990. Since our first innovation, we have been guided by our mission to offer patient privacy while still focusing on infection prevention and control.
Product innovation
Silentia products are mainly influenced by our Swedish heritage, which combines clean aesthetics, simplicity, and functionality. Our unique style and ability to develop new products when the need arises is what has made us the leading alternative to privacy curtains for more than three decades. The Silentia Screen System is a flexible, reliable, and easy to use solution due to our EasyCare suite of functions built into each product.
Unlike cloth hospital curtains that take time to clean and dry, our screens have smooth and solid surfaces that are easy to clean instantly with normal disinfectants found in healthcare settings. EasyClean™ functionality means you can clean our screens without moving them to an offsite location.
The EasyReturn function of our products enables you to fold our screens back seamlessly. Our items are lightweight and fitted with signature patented hinges that have inbuilt memory for easy and fast positioning. To regulate the spread of infections within the healthcare setting, we have included a one touchpoint handle on our screens that minimizes contact.
The EasyClick feature built into our products is representative of our system thinking approach to design with sustainability in mind. Products can be used in several ways because they are designed to be compatible with different accessories or ways of mounting. This ability to adapt to future situations, such as unit or hospital reorganization, leads to longer product lifetimes.
Creative stimulation
Silentia screens come in a variety of solid color options to introduce bright, fresh hues into the patient setting. We took this idea a step further to create art and imagery that can be printed on our screens. We worked with scientists and artists to research the effect of images on patients in treatment and recovery. We found studies that show how art can help patients recovering from illness by reducing their pain and stress. With these findings, we developed a few series tailored to specific types of patients.
StoryPanels™ feature artwork for children, such as planets and characters. We use them on our screens to make kids forget about their hospital situations and trigger their imagination and fantasy. Designed by Stefanie Schöffmann, artist and CEO of look! Design, StoryPanels contain colors, shapes, and funny characters that have been proven to calm kids and give them a positive psychological experience.
ArtPanels™ contain images of nature and animal life, from grazing cows to farmers plowing their fields. Studies have shown that images of nature reduce stress among recovering patients by giving them something positive to focus on. Magnus Reisne, a Swedish landscape artist and creator of ArtPanels™, uses the green colors in his designs to soothe patients and drive them to tranquility. His images are meant to encourage patients to relax, stay strong, and renew their hope of conquering their current situations.
PhotoPanels™ are panels with photographic images we use on our screens to stimulate positive thoughts among patients. Images and colors influence people positively by lowering their blood pressure, stimulating helpful thoughts, plus relieving pain, stress, and anxiety. They are good for vulnerable patients and are ideal for senior care, pediatric care, and dementia care. They create memories of recognizable places and minimize the feeling of being closed in among patients.
Industry leaders
The best hospital privacy solution should not only provide patient privacy but enhance the patient experience. Silentia privacy screens are built to be long-lasting and durable, flexible enough to fit in any healthcare design, and allow patients to rest and heal comfortably. Our clean design integrates into everything we do to create better products for cleanliness, infection control, operational efficiency, and long-term financial savings.