Three principles sum it up
Silentia is a Swedish company with more than 20 years of experience in privacy screening for patients. The screens have been developed on three key principles: EasyClean™ – ease of cleaning, EasyReturn™ – ease of use, and EasyClick™ – easy to install.
Every product has smooth surfaces that are easily accessible for cleaning, and is made from materials that can withstand the disinfectants that are used in healthcare. The wheels that are fitted to folding screens can also be removed easily and washed in a dishwasher.
Silentia folding screens have specially designed hinges that make it exceptionally easy to fold the screens against a wall. Sprung wheel mountings and high-quality double wheels with brakes also help to make the screens very easy to handle.
Silentia’s product range provides a system in which every component is designed to work together, making it easy to combine different products. Regardless of whether a screen is fixed to a wall mounting, is freestanding on a floor pole or mounted on a trolley, it is simple and convenient to use. Screens are attached and removed using a simple fastening method, EasyClick™. This also makes it easy to switch them from one type of mounting to another. A screen that is attached to the wall can easily be transferred to a trolley or mounted on the same floor pole as a fixed screen.

Silentia folding screen mounted on a trolley – EasyReturn makes it easy to fold.